Podcasts and Online Interviews with Dr Treisman: (Other recommendations of trauma/social care/ social justice/ social care podcasts with other people will follow).
Dr Treisman also has a series of paid online modules which can be found under the online training tab (new ones being added regularly).
You can listen to Dr Treisman’s TedX talk on relational trauma and behaviour as communication here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTsPdMqVwBg
Karen Treisman- reading a poem written by Karen for Drop for Disorder about trauma, adversity, and culturally informed, infused, and responsive systems and organisational change- “trauma reducing not trauma inducing”- the topic of Karen’s forthcoming book on trauma-informed organizations- https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=LRJ9w3jIv0w&feature=emb_logo
You can listen Dr Treisman’s trauma podcast talking about one of her books and other related trauma areas here- interviewed by Guy Mcpherson www.thetraumatherapistproject.com/podcast/karen-treisman
You can listen to Dr Treisman being interviewed by Lisa Cherry around trauma-informed organisational transformation- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osiOfICFEso
You can listen to the recorded book launch of trauma informed organizations which includes an interview with Dr Karen Treisman and some readings- attended virtually by over 400 people- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQOC0bHhbUE&feature=youtu.be
Dr Karen Treisman on the Sports Psych Podcast with Dan Abrahams about trauma informed practice- https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/184-dr-karen-treisman-mbe-how-to-be-more-trauma-adversity/id1434313037?i=1000555411790
You can listen to Dr Karen Treisman and Lisa Cherry in discussion about trauma, adversity, and culturally informed, infused, and responsive organisations in the context of the covid-19 pandemic- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rqbKq9UBHU&feature=emb_logo
Dr Treisman and Kathryn Angelini from Hillingdon virtual school- talking about school, covid, emotional regulation, supervision and much more- https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-irpx9-e02bcf?utm_campaign=u_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=u_share
A discussion with Lisa Cherry about trauma-informed organisational culture, language, nuances and much more- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfwG6CrHuE4
A 2 minute clip from the above podcast with Lisa Cherry and Karen Treisman talking about if the walls could talk- https://youtu.be/4WRPa0fnHCY
Dr Karen Treisman and Hannah Albery and Kate Margarson on mind matters- talking about schools, trauma-informed practice, relationships, creativity and much more-http://youtu.be/MCDkkB_Ht5I
Social Matters Podcast- Discussing trauma-informed work, organisational changes, and the therapeutic treasure collection- https://linktr.ee/Socialmatterspodcast
Trauma informed thinking space module from Dr Karen Treisman and Dr Mandy Davis (paid- please read the below first but link to module is- https://safehandsthinkingminds.thinkific.com/courses/trauma-informed-thinking-space-a-series-of-podcast-style-conversations-dr-mandy-davis-and-dr-karen-treisman)- A real, unscripted, unedited, & honest TI thinking space containing a series of reflective podcast style conversations about some of the thorny, nuanced, multi-layered aspects of TI practice in teams, systems, & organisations. Full of golden nuggets & enriching discussions. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it & sharing the space together. We are looking forward to your thoughts & feedback. You can read the FAQs & what to expect including contents here- FAQ trauma informed thinking space We wanted to give you a sense and flavour of the types of conversations which are included in the module. So here is a 17 min one which is from the myths & dilemma’s section focusing on the question “Is TI just about being sweet, nice, and kind?”- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vFR1MyznXW4&feature=youtu.be
Dr Karen Treisman and Lady Edwina Grovenor- (One Small Thing Justice Podcast)- Exploring the impact of trauma/ trauma-informed organisations/ the impact of trauma on the body and so much more– https://play.acast.com/s/justice/5197d644-3998-4c5b-8294-f0212554feb7
Interview with Dr Meagan Corrado from Storiez and Dr Karen Treisman- https://storiezguide.com/realstoriezpodcast/?fbclid=IwAR1wKVPKcRQj228q1T6Q3WTbyA1EAuc5dFXdaELZnThACYLc3rLmw2w4q9k
You can listen to Karen’s interview around her work with Pause (an organisation for women who have had children removed by social services) here- https://www.pause.org.uk/pause-podcasts/
You can listen to Dr Treisman’s interview with Dr Renee Marks about relational and developmental trauma here- www.cwif.tv
You can watch a video interview podcast with Dr Treisman on relational trauma as part of a trauma summit- treating trauma without drama with Patricia Sherman- https://vimeo.com/220164746/9461dfe378
You can listen to Dr Treisman’s interview around her work here- https://www.acamh.org/podcasts/in-conversation-dr-karen-treisman/?utm_content=bufferae694&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
You can also see three online interviews with Dr Treisman about both of her books and other related areas such as unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people at online events- www.onlinevents.co.uk/category/topics/trauma
Grief, death, bereavement, and loss online module (7.5 hours and a resource pack)- supporting children and adolescents by Dr Karen Treisman (paid)- creative and expressive resources- safehandsthinkingminds.thinkific.com
Karen Treisman discussing how the current situation might evoke and re-trigger past traumas- A video by Dr Karen Treisman discussing how the experiences being felt during the pandemic can be retriggering and resurfacing past traumas and feelings and sending people down a time hole.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msNO7ZmLXns&feature=youtu.be
Karen Treisman discussion some common survival, protective, and coping tools, skills, and resources-A video discussing some of the survival, protective, and coping responses and skills which we as individuals can use and rely on when in a place of threat, stress, trauma, and fear. Discusses fight, flight, freeze, and many more responses- https://youtu.be/tVw6naHFLKc and an accompanying worksheet (please ensure this is fully cited and referenced if shared or used) around survival skills and patterns- http://www.safehandsthinkingminds.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/feeling-safe-putting-up-defenses.pdf
Karen Treisman discussing some of the survival, protective, and coping responses and skills which organisations, systems, and teams can use and rely on when in a place of threat, stress, trauma, and fear. Discusses fight, flight, freeze, and many more responses. https://youtu.be/PaRwY7qzEyw and a worksheet on this http://www.safehandsthinkingminds.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/organisational-defences-final-bled.pdf (please ensure this is fully cited and referenced if shared or used)
Karen Treisman discussing the importance of how organisations make people feel during this time; and how the values of trauma-informed practice need to be embedded and modelled; and our staff wellbeing needs to be at the forefront- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J7ayCkw4eg
Karen Treisman discussing some of the reasons why people might be either/or struggling to fall asleep, having disturbed or change sleep, and/or feeling exhausted and tired more than usual in the context of the pandemic- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClztIRbjeiI
Karen Treisman discussing some of the different layers of loss, grief, and mourning both at an individual and collective level which people may experiencing, feeling, and seeing. loss amidst the coronavirus-https://youtu.be/n9a79NeUARo
Karen Treisman with Piers Cross discussing trauma informed health care book and boarding school trauma- https://youtu.be/OqowQNsol60?si=64as9KjsjlQIqxq3
Free videos by Dr Karen Treisman to support relaxation and emotional regulation (please feel free to send in requests as I am happy to create more if possible)
Things to be mindful of:
Firstly, please hold in mind, there is no right or wrong. We are all different and going through changes, reflections, and discoveries a lot of the time. We all have different sensory profiles, needs, preferences, pasts and so forth- so, take your time to choose what will be most helpful to you at this time, or none of them at all, if you just need some space or to do something different- there is no one size fits all. There is a menu of options to give some ideas, but there are many more which you might like to try. Be gentle with yourself and others.
People may be experiencing an array of different feelings, and these might be changing and flowing at different times; as well as soaking in other people’s feelings and sensations. For more grounding, soothing, and coping tools please see my “Presley the Pug” or “Binnie the baboon” workbooks, my therapeutic treasure box book, or my therapeutic treasure deck of grounding, soothing, regulating, and coping cards.
1. Hand or star breathing-A video by Dr Karen Treisman introducing a brief breathing exercise called “hand breathing”. It can be used for children and for adults. https://youtu.be/NAldSdx-jps
2. Sensory, grounding, soothing, and regulating box– A video by Dr Karen Treisman discussing how to make and create a sensory, soothing, and grounding box which supports all of one’s senses to regulate. Suitable and adaptable for children and adults. https://youtu.be/9XyxqWiqLk0
3. Muscle tensing and releasing tool-A video by Dr Karen Treisman introducing a brief tension releasing exercise of tensing and relaxing one’s muscles. Suitable and adaptable for children and adults. https://youtu.be/FbhUxg9eHDE
4. Left and right body breathing– A video by Dr Karen Treisman introducing a breathing exercise which supports left and right breathing. Suitable for older children, teenagers, and adults. https://youtu.be/MHwiqovPrXY
5. Rhythm and butterfly breathing-A video by Dr Karen Treisman introducing how rhythm can be used to help to change one’s regulation and arousal. Also, this introduces the butterfly hug move which activates both the left and right side of one’s brain. Suitable and adaptable for children and adults.https://youtu.be/e6z6TJ1wQDM
6. Externalising worry through worry dolls, worry plaques etc– https://youtu.be/5Q-EoWSJQJg
7. Soaking in a positive moment– A video by Dr Karen Treisman introducing how we can find a happy, feel good, and positive memory and travel back to it, anchor on to it, and soak it in- including using all of our senses. Suitable and adaptable for children and adults. https://youtu.be/RRiQixmqcXI
8. Every interaction is an intervention– video of Dr Karen Treisman explaining her quote “Every interaction is an intervention”- https://youtu.be/8pBkXbCP3Q4
Other podcasts which may be of interest (not prescriptive or exhaustive; or presented in a particular order):
Interviews with trauma therapists all around the world https://www.thetraumatherapistproject.com/podcasts/
inSocialWork podcast series- https://www.insocialwork.org/trauma/
Adoption and fostering podcast- http://www.alcoates.co.uk/p/podcast.html
Healing justice and cultural humility- https://www.healingjustice.org/community
Presence trauma informed Sandy Bloom podcast- https://open.spotify.com/show/70LryeE8gdh7cgutMvmGAH
Carolyn Spring podcast- https://www.carolynspring.com/podcast/
Mind matters with Hannah Albery and Kate Margarson- relational school approach podcast- https://soundcloud.com/user-715549778
Research in practice podcast- https://www.rip.org.uk/resources/podcasts/
Discovering Community Psychology podcast- https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/discovering-community-psychology/id1552622773
Lisa Cherry’s podcast- https://www.lisacherry.co.uk/spotify-podcast/
The Social Work Matters-https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-social-matters-podcast/id1436421996
What works in children’s social care- https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/wwcsc-talks/id1511700345
NSPCC podcast- https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/podcast/
Jessica Taylor podcast- https://podtail.com/en/podcast/dr-jessica-eaton-talks-about-stuff/
What about us? Cultural awareness podcast- https://anchor.fm/afsana9/episodes/What-about-us–Cultural-Awareness-in-Clinical-Psychology-Season-1-Episode-1-ectrdd
Pause podcast (amplify the voices of women who no longer have their children in their care)- https://www.pause.org.uk/pause-podcasts/
Ghost children podcast- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0f95sn5
Refugee Tales- https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/refugees-stories-podcast/id1255304577
Mad in America podcast (rethinking the psychiatric system)- https://www.madinamerica.com/mia-radio-landing/mia-podcast/
Child in mind podcast- https://www.annafreud.org/what-we-do/anna-freud-learning-network/childhood-adversity-and-trauma/child-in-mind-trauma-podcast/
Trauma informed educators network podcast- https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/trauma-informed-educators-network-podcast/id1480791597
Brene Brown podcast- https://brenebrown.com/podcasts/
Law and Justice podcast- Jane Mulcahy- https://soundcloud.com/jane-mulcahy
Connecting paradigms- https://connectingparadigms.org/podcast-2/
Harvard Center for Developing Children Brain Architects podcast- https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/the-brain-architects-podcast-brain-architecture-laying-the-foundation/
Some useful websites, resources, and links in the areas of trauma, toxic stress, attachment, foster care, adoption, and parenting (Not an exhaustive or prescriptive list, and not in a particular order):
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network- http://www.nctsn.org/
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies- https://www.istss.org/
European Society for Trauma and Dissociation- http://www.estd.org/home/
NSPCC Caspar News (Up to date news on child protection, policies, and documents)- https://www.nspcc.org.uk/services-and-resources/research-and-resources/sign-up-to-caspar/
Research in Practice- https://www.rip.org.uk/
Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children- https://attach.org/
The Child Trauma Academy- http://childtrauma.org/
The Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute- http://www.traumacenter.org
The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in children- https://www.starr.org/training/tlc
Harvard Center for Developing Children- http://developingchild.harvard.edu/
The International Association for the Study of Attachment- http://www.iasa-dmm.org/
Chadwick Center- www.ChadwickCenter.com
AdoptionPlus- http://www.adoptionplus.co.uk/
CoramBAAF Adoption and Fostering Academy- http://corambaaf.org.uk/
PAC-UK (Adoption)- http://pac-uk.org/
Grandparents Plus (Kinship carers)- www.grandparentsplus.org.uk
The Fostering Network- https://www.thefosteringnetwork.org.uk/
Society for Emotion and Attachment Studies- http://www.seasinternational.org/
The Association of Infant Mental Health- http://www.aimh.org.uk/
The World Association of Infant Mental Health- https://www.waimh.org/
The Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute http://www.trauma-informedpractice.com/
Inner World Work (Some great downloadable worksheets including on fight, flight, and freeze modes)- http://www.innerworldwork.co.uk/
Beacon House- Some fantastic resources and video clips on trauma- http://beaconhouse.org.uk/developmental-trauma/the-repair-of-early-trauma-a-bottom-up-approach/
Pause- For those working with women who have had repeated removals- http://www.pause.org.uk/
Alberta Family Wellness (includes the brain story certification free course)- http://www.albertafamilywellness.org/resources
Zero to Three- https://www.zerotothree.org/
70/30 campaign- www.70-30.org.uk
BASPCAN (For those working in the child protection field)- https://www.baspcan.org.uk/
Trauma-informed Oregon- https://traumainformedoregon.org/
Trauma-informed care: Perspectives and resources- http://trauma.jbsinternational.com/traumatool/index.html
Sanctuary Model- Dr Sandy Bloom- www.sanctuaryweb.com
MARC Health federation (trauma-informed and trauma-responsive communities)- marc.healthfederation.org
ACEs connection-www.acesconnection.com
Campaign for trauma informed policy and practice (USA)- www.ctipp.org